Thursday, September 15, 2011


10:36 PM / 0 comments

Domg. Its holidays~ wooh!!!!
Anyways, i'm going to be doing alot of nail designs:D

This one was a extreme green marble one.

And this one is a Minty fresh design. :)
If you guys want to see how i do it, give me a shout out;)

Wednesday, September 14, 2011


1:17 AM / 0 comments

Hello friends,
I just want to talk about the importance of friendship today and how you can disregard it so much and not realize until you don't have it.

Whether you're struggling with a thought/memory maybe even some math equations, you're friends will probably be the first person you want to talk to.

I've been noticing that I've been a bitch lately so I want to apologize.
Me and a close friend of mine had a very personal convo just a minute ago and
she wanted to talk about some bad memories in her life.

I think going through other people's personal stuff is hard especially if there are dark times however, they've come to you for help.
And so, you get out your sunshine thinking hat and help them by giving them the best possible advice you can. This is where you can fall.

I try to stick to a method sort of a healing process.
Almost like going to the hospital.
If you fracture a bone, you wait in line, see a doctor, get an x ray, meet the doctor and get a cast.
so these are my steps.
  1. ask them questions- don't say something stupid to set them off. try to understand their side if you don't agree.
  2. try to relate their situation to your own life. I don't mean give them your life story esp. if it ends bad but try to give them words to promising encouragement. (it doesn't have to be from your life, it can be from someone else's or your friend or a documentary. you get the idea)
  3. give them a sense of belonging. Tell them they're not the only one and that hass been through that type of rough patch.
  4. Reassure, reassure, reassure.- The best possible way to make them understand, sometimes, rags become riches, unhappy becomes happy and dark becomes light.
  5. OPTIONAL- Give em a hug :D

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Rebel preganant and goth

10:29 PM / 0 comments

Today, i want to talk about people who make all the wrong choices in life.

So, there are a couple of people in this bus who just make me.... Cringe.

1. One chick is with 2 of her friends. They are about 50 piercings between them. They're wearing fish net stockings, one has a baby- i'm assuming it's hers cause her body looks okayy but her belly... O_o
They all have dyed hair and the guy, looks like a teenager who just went through puberty.
Caked on make up And horrible attitude. They're leaning on the bus go card machine and laughing.
These people piss me off. First why the fuck would you have a baby. You just screwed your mother fucking life up. It made you fat. You have probably the worst rep and i bet the chances of you marrying are very very slim. What type of mother do you seriously want to be?
The one thing i have to say is: thank you for not be ing crazy. I swear if you started yelling, i'd be like: mother fucker, you need to go put your baby in an orphanage and get your ass back to school

2. Chinese people who talk on the phone like they own the bus.
I'm going to insist, this doesn't apply to all chinese but some chinese people just need to calm down. It's like they're yelling at the bus driver to drive faster cause they got shit stuck in their ass hole.
Calm the fuck down.

3. Old people who think they can dress "cute"
I have to admit, some old people are cute but because of the way they act NOT the way they dress. I saw these 2 women who were really short like 150cm and wearing clothes that looked like it belonged in pumpkin patch. You're fat little old people. Fuck, don't wear kid clothes in public. At first i saw them from behind and seriously thoughy they were primary schoolers. Dress you fucking age women. You ain't fooling no pedophile.

4. Fat people who catch the bus and take up two seats.
I can understand when you're fat, you require more space to feel comfortable. Fuck, i don't care about your comfort, i care about 'MY comfort'. Idc, i'll just sit on top of your love handles and muffin top.

That's all i wanted to rage at today.

That was my... Rage,
How wAS YOuRs? O_O
That didn't make sense.


Love jaein;)

Sunday, August 21, 2011


3:14 PM / 0 comments

Hello all, blogging from the 891 bus atm. It was quiet 5 seconds ago.== until the algester stop. I'm currently listening to "attention by hyuna" it's a really short sorta catchy tune. Ooh. Song changed: madonna by secret. I like this song alot. Esp their mv. When they dance their dresses are so frilly i want to to be just like them. Lmao. Dream on jaein. ==
ma ma ma ma madonnaaaaaa. ;) anyway.... My body feels like absolute shit this morning. Like.... I've been hit by a car. D:

I was watching something on youtube like people asking for advice on something. And NO, it wasn't about love. == but she was like: i want to know what you think about my song choices. Her voice was all sexy when she was talking but when she started singing, she tried to sound all f(x) with their high yet sorta cute voices. Try hard. -shakes head-
I'm so mean. D:

Shit bro, took me 10 to write all this on my iphone. D: slowest texter.

Anyways. I'm going to indulge in my music;)

Love, Jaein

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Blogging at last

9:28 PM / 0 comments

Hello everyone,
Well, it has been quite a while since i blogged hasn't it?

Do you like my editing skills? Right down to the leaves eh?

However, i wanted to share with you, my boring ass life.
I was actually amazed at how fast i got ready in the morning. 45minutes bro, new world record. ;)
Dude, my regrowth is so bad TOT. Wtf. Was going to dye it during ekka holidays but i got caught up in useless shit and forgot.
I also wanted to discuss my moodiness this week. Well, you see, i've been a bit worried about trying new things and rejection. But i think i've made up my mind and i'm just going to deal with the rejection if i have to. I'm just making a decision that can't be un decided once it's done. Thank you for your concerns but i don't need it. It's not going to help me.

Well, i hope that it explains it in a way you can understand. Don't ask me what it's about. Only 2 people know. People who are close and can understand.

So that was my week. How was yours?

Love, jaein

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Yo everyones.

12:57 AM / 0 comments

Picture of "adjustable wing ring"
Real silver: $45
avail at chocolate orange.
Cool editing skills right?
and I did this one on my iphone.
The app is called ColorSplash.
Get it.
It definitely works. :)
Beautiful chandelier.
COST: $20, 000
Avail at ..... you know what, you don't need to know where to get it cause it costs so damn f--king much.

Well, yesterday, I puked in front of about 4 different classes. FML.
yes, I puked 3 times.
And some idiot guy was like: OH MY GOD, that girl's puking!!!!
So the whole class turns a looks.
And you know what else, when your hurling and yet, your stomach doesn't have anything to vomit.
So you're just standing there, gagging.
Well, I went home early after that.

Okay, so today: I had a lot of people asking me if i was okay, and I want to thank you for all your concerns but, truly, I'm fine. I promise I won't throw up on you.

I want to be called KOHM JAE IN instead of KIM jaein...
Cause Yun seung from city hunter calls NA NA: KOHM NANA. (kohm means bear)

OH AND ALSO, if you ever have the pleasure of meeting lee min ho, and don't give him my number and say I'm a fucking billionare. I think you know what's heading your way.

that's my day:
how's yours?
Love, Jae-in.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

WELCOME BAK MISS KIM -cheers yay!-

5:10 AM / 0 comments

Hello Everyone and welcome to my blog
AGAIN, it's been re-birthed
So nah, it's actually been reincarnated;)
Damn, those legs are so SEXY....
EW,I can't believe I just said that

Okay, so, I have to start off with Jess Chen's beautiful
Delicious cup cakes.
My sweet cravings are satisfied.
Thank you.
The Christmas tree looking cupcakes
were call mountain cupcakes for some reason? ._.
LOL. anywho.
My pictures are kinda screwed up. I have no idea why.
But anyways, I decided to eat a 3 chunky kit kat thing.
have you seen the ad?
Awesome-st brick juggler in the world.
well, it wasn't juggling.
But. meh. still some madd tricks.

And here we witness a very cute couple.
The union of Devina Paramitha and Tuan Nguyen
Man, they're so... corny sometimes and a little bit horny.
oh god. dee don't read this!!!!!!!!!!
too late T_T
And here's another picture of the most sexiest Korean
I LOVE YOU BABY :)and yet another kit kat chunk?
LOL. This one was kinda disappointing.

I can edit the order of the pictures?

Okay, so Right now, I want to talk to you about my day:
In maths, I was calmly listening to the teacher and then the announcer lady comes on...

And my reaction is to tell dee, so I lean over and tell her 'cept steph and Shannon over hear and then they instantly laugh at my hilarious mishap.
LOL. so I tell just tell the class what i heard ;)

Another thing that happened:

I ragged. Not fully. but to the extent i was really pissed.
So this is what happened ;)
I was really high after school listening to music and crap so when I get on the bus with naryan, he starts filming me for like 2 minutes but I didn't notice.
When he tells me, I'm getting kinda pissed but not fully to the point where I'll show it.
So i'm joking about, and then this comes out of his mouth:

FML moment.
I was so pissed, I just :
stopped and took my earphones out of my ear
threw my bag on the floor
stood up just said:
Now, when I suddenly change my mood to this in less than a second,
you should know not to fuck with me.
I'm dead serious.
So he's like : OKAY OKAY I'll delete it, (still laughing)
But I'm serious, I want the iPod to check, (it wasn't like i was going to break it)
So Anyways, I got really peeved and started slamming my hands on the pole.
cause basically, I can't punch.

I think he got kinda surprised at my change of personality.

I went bak to my seat. and end of story.
with a bit more peevishness radiating from me.

Another thing that happened:
we got our english assignment.---> play
I think I'm kinda excited about this :) YAY!

Another thing that happened:"
We're going to dreamworld. on the 12th of august :)
I was fully shaking listening about the rides. -jizz in my pants- ._.
Anyways. That was my day. LOL
how was yours :)
Love, Jaein