Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Rebel preganant and goth

10:29 PM / 0 comments

Today, i want to talk about people who make all the wrong choices in life.

So, there are a couple of people in this bus who just make me.... Cringe.

1. One chick is with 2 of her friends. They are about 50 piercings between them. They're wearing fish net stockings, one has a baby- i'm assuming it's hers cause her body looks okayy but her belly... O_o
They all have dyed hair and the guy, looks like a teenager who just went through puberty.
Caked on make up And horrible attitude. They're leaning on the bus go card machine and laughing.
These people piss me off. First why the fuck would you have a baby. You just screwed your mother fucking life up. It made you fat. You have probably the worst rep and i bet the chances of you marrying are very very slim. What type of mother do you seriously want to be?
The one thing i have to say is: thank you for not be ing crazy. I swear if you started yelling, i'd be like: mother fucker, you need to go put your baby in an orphanage and get your ass back to school

2. Chinese people who talk on the phone like they own the bus.
I'm going to insist, this doesn't apply to all chinese but some chinese people just need to calm down. It's like they're yelling at the bus driver to drive faster cause they got shit stuck in their ass hole.
Calm the fuck down.

3. Old people who think they can dress "cute"
I have to admit, some old people are cute but because of the way they act NOT the way they dress. I saw these 2 women who were really short like 150cm and wearing clothes that looked like it belonged in pumpkin patch. You're fat little old people. Fuck, don't wear kid clothes in public. At first i saw them from behind and seriously thoughy they were primary schoolers. Dress you fucking age women. You ain't fooling no pedophile.

4. Fat people who catch the bus and take up two seats.
I can understand when you're fat, you require more space to feel comfortable. Fuck, i don't care about your comfort, i care about 'MY comfort'. Idc, i'll just sit on top of your love handles and muffin top.

That's all i wanted to rage at today.

That was my... Rage,
How wAS YOuRs? O_O
That didn't make sense.


Love jaein;)