Wednesday, September 14, 2011


1:17 AM / 0 comments

Hello friends,
I just want to talk about the importance of friendship today and how you can disregard it so much and not realize until you don't have it.

Whether you're struggling with a thought/memory maybe even some math equations, you're friends will probably be the first person you want to talk to.

I've been noticing that I've been a bitch lately so I want to apologize.
Me and a close friend of mine had a very personal convo just a minute ago and
she wanted to talk about some bad memories in her life.

I think going through other people's personal stuff is hard especially if there are dark times however, they've come to you for help.
And so, you get out your sunshine thinking hat and help them by giving them the best possible advice you can. This is where you can fall.

I try to stick to a method sort of a healing process.
Almost like going to the hospital.
If you fracture a bone, you wait in line, see a doctor, get an x ray, meet the doctor and get a cast.
so these are my steps.
  1. ask them questions- don't say something stupid to set them off. try to understand their side if you don't agree.
  2. try to relate their situation to your own life. I don't mean give them your life story esp. if it ends bad but try to give them words to promising encouragement. (it doesn't have to be from your life, it can be from someone else's or your friend or a documentary. you get the idea)
  3. give them a sense of belonging. Tell them they're not the only one and that hass been through that type of rough patch.
  4. Reassure, reassure, reassure.- The best possible way to make them understand, sometimes, rags become riches, unhappy becomes happy and dark becomes light.
  5. OPTIONAL- Give em a hug :D