Saturday, August 20, 2011

Blogging at last

9:28 PM / 0 comments

Hello everyone,
Well, it has been quite a while since i blogged hasn't it?

Do you like my editing skills? Right down to the leaves eh?

However, i wanted to share with you, my boring ass life.
I was actually amazed at how fast i got ready in the morning. 45minutes bro, new world record. ;)
Dude, my regrowth is so bad TOT. Wtf. Was going to dye it during ekka holidays but i got caught up in useless shit and forgot.
I also wanted to discuss my moodiness this week. Well, you see, i've been a bit worried about trying new things and rejection. But i think i've made up my mind and i'm just going to deal with the rejection if i have to. I'm just making a decision that can't be un decided once it's done. Thank you for your concerns but i don't need it. It's not going to help me.

Well, i hope that it explains it in a way you can understand. Don't ask me what it's about. Only 2 people know. People who are close and can understand.

So that was my week. How was yours?

Love, jaein